

11/17/2013 10:35

A bad year archery hunting in the Keystone state of PA. Everyone I know just hasn't been seeing many deer and what deer they do see are not within bow range. Only 1 person got a buck this year that I know. Looks like it's time to start looking into owning my own land, which I will grow and manage my own deer.

(Second Day Archery in Keystone State PA.

10/07/2013 11:04

What a poor hunting day, deer will not move in this type of weather heavy rains, tornado warnings, etc. However tomorrow Tuesday Oct 8 there will be a high pressure system moving in at 4 am, which will get the deer up @ moving. Then the rest of week are very good conditions for hunting in Huntingdon County near Raystown Lake area. I can't wait for the rain and winds to move on out then we will c a lot more action in the woods. (Make Sure You Are Out First Thing Tomorrow Morning All Archery Hunters. Always stay up to date with the weather and all its patterns as well Good Luck To All Hunters This Archery Season 2013.


10/02/2013 23:56

Good Luck to all you archery hunters. I am PUMPED FOR 1ST DAY.... I will be sure to take picts wen c more rubs etc when out hunting. I will continue giving tips on what products works the best, etc, etc. STAY TUNED FOR SOME AWESOME INFO IN THESE NEXT SEVERAL WEEKS.


09/30/2013 10:32

Hi, Everyone:

It's that time of year the leaves are changing colors, we have been checking our trail cams trying to pinpoint that monster buck. I have included a list of things to do make sure your ready for this archery season (2013).

1. Try hanging some mock scrapes. I prefer using BUCK FEVER DEER SCENTS. Make sure you wear rubber gloves and boots. #1 SCENT CONTROL.

2. Try some rattling especially on surrounding posted property. Just make sure you go by the rules and stay on government or state lands.

3. Try using a buck decoy especially at the beginning of season along with some grunting and rattling.

4. Locate the bedding and feeding areas.

5. Always have a back-up plan in case the wind isn't in your favor, so make sure you have a few stand sites for different days.

6. Never go in after a MONSTER BUCK, if the wind isn't in your favor instead hold off til a day the wind is in your favor to hopefully slay that Monster.

7. Make sure you wash all your hunting clothes. I use BONE COLLECTOR CLOTHES WASH (DICKS SPORTING GOODS).

8. Always use cover scent, I prefer using Earth Scent Wafers and Primos Control Freak or Bone Collector Fall Blend. I will also use fox or raccoon urine on bottoms of my boots.

9. Make sure you are out hunting during Full Moon, which starts near or on  Oct. 16 this season.


First blog

09/29/2013 16:52

Our new blog has been launched today. Stay focused on it and we will try to keep you informed. You can read new posts on this blog via the RSS feed.


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